Unfortunately, the vast majority of dermatologists still share the outdated belief that diet and compromised body systems are unrelated to the etiology of Alopecia Areata hair loss. Products being pushed (like Rogaine) take full advantage of the public’s lack of knowledge on the subject.

The key to a speedy recovery is getting to the root cause of the problem as opposed to treating the symptoms. Reversing any type of damage in the body is a process, requiring a search into your whole body. What factors effecting one person’s body may not effect another which is why some people recover quicker. Discovering these factors can make all the difference.

The simple truth is that there are a variety of triggers that can bring on bouts of Alopecia Areata. In order to treat it, you will have to identify which trigger is the culprit. In today’s post you’ll learn about some of the common Alopecia Areata triggers that can trigger a bout.

Inflammatory Diet. Researchers have found that a nutritionally inadequate diet that causes a protein shortage within the body can trigger Alopecia Areata. In fact, some Alopecia Areata sufferers who have suddenly begun to regrow their hair may be able to trace the “miraculous” recovery back to improvements in their diet. There are some nutrients that fight against inflammation and some that cause it, these are known as pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods. For your body to function normally it needs both types.

In the past people ate a well-balanced diet, for the most part. However, thanks to the processed foods that are so popular today, the typical diet contains an abundance of pro-inflammatory foods and very little anti-inflammatory foods, which throws off the balance. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are also running rampant, as are food intolerances, stress, obesity, and hormonal imbalances. In other words, your diet may be the culprit. Make sure to clean it up and check for food intolerances.

Stress. Alopecia Areata can also occur as a result of stress, and how it impacts the balance within your body. When stress is triggered within your body, the hormonal balance is significantly upset which can disrupt the body’s immune response.

Hormonal Changes. If you are taking hormonal replacement medications or have stopped taking them, then this has the potential to increase your likelihood of developing Alopecia Areata. Those who are going through a significant hormonal life change (i.e. pregnancy) and individuals who develop hypothyroidism can also trigger Alopecia Areata.

Drastic changes in your diet. Going on a crash diet or even changing your diet to one that includes only liquids or is low in any vital nutrient can trigger Alopecia Areata. Diets that are low in iron or contain an abundance of inflammatory foods can also lead to the onset of alopecia, especially in women.

Allergies. Some allergic reactions can even cause Alopecia Areata, such as those brought about by environmental factors or medications. Food allergies are one of the most common triggers for AA.

New Medications. The side effects of certain medications can result in Alopecia Areata. Medications such as isotretinoin, lithium and diet pills that contain amphetamines are known to cause hair loss especially among teens. Anti-depressants and prescription drugs used to treat gout, arthritis, and heart problems may trigger AAas well. Some women may even find that birth control pills can cause Alopecia Areata, thanks to hormonal fluctuations.

The good news is that Alopecia Areata can also be reversed. You can follow Nature Crazy’s Top 6 Tips For Reversing Alopecia Areata Hair Loss in order to address the damage internally and externally.