The best natural DHT blocker is zinc. Zinc is freely available in nature and natural foods rich in zinc will help in blocking DHT naturally. The other products are Saw palmetto. In-depth research of this natural DHT blocker reveal that Saw palmetto is a very effective natural DHT blocker and acts very similarly to Propecia by firstly lowering the DHT in the body by effectively blocking the 5 alpha-reductase and then by blocking the receptor sites on cell membranes that absorb DHT. This is by far the most convenient way to block DHT naturally. DHT also contributes to other diseases of the body such as prostrate cancer. So, hair loss is not the only problem brought on by DHT in the body. All of the studies that have been performed to date show that Saw palmetto is an effective antiandrogen and has shown conclusively to be effective in the treatment of benign prostratic disease as well as killing off of the hair follicles in the body. Saw palmetto is a very potent natural DHT blocker.


Another natural DHT blocker is Pygeum extract that inhibit the production of DHT in the body. Pygeum has been proven to have ingredients that effectively reduce prolacting levels and block the accumulation of cholesterol in the prostate glands. Prolactin is also believed to increase the uptake of testosterone by the prostate, and cholesterol increases binding sites for DHT. Pygeum basically reduces the levels of DHT in the blood and reduces the number of sites where DHT can attach thus is also a very effective way to naturally reduce DHT levels. Check out our product Head On if you feel like you are suffering from hereditary hairloss and get first hand information on all the ways to reduce DHT levels naturally. You will emerge all the wiser and ready to face the problem better when next you confer with your doctor.