The Human Genome Project has shown and proven that damaged genes can be repaired.…

The Spontaneous Remission Project organized by the Institute of Noetic Sciences has also demonstrated these types of healing actions with over 3500 case studies reported in the medical literature about people who have undergone remissions from apparently “incurable disorders”…

In other words, there is emerging scientific evidence and new research studies coming out that show autism can be effectively treated and fully reversed and parents are encountering large success rates using them. This website features hundreds of children that have reversed this disorder by utilizing effective science based protocols.

The field of epigenetics which was a direct result of the research carried out at the Human Genome Project has shown us that the DNA in our bodies is wrapped around proteins called histones. Both the DNA and histones are covered with chemical tags, and these actually shape the physical structure of the genome and are called the epigenome. The epigenome wraps around inactive genes, making them unaccessible, while the epigenome relaxes active genes, allowing their accessibility. So, while DNA remains fixed, the epigenome constantly reacts to the diet and environment, allowing a complete change in genetic expression. Epigenetic modulation plays a critical role in genetic expression. Two major epigenetic codes are DNA methylation and histone modifications, including acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. Environmental factors such as dietary components can regulate gene expression by altering epigenetic modifications. This means that we can epigenetically alter gene expression in a positive way back to normal with appropriate dietary and environmental protective measures.

Based on the most up to date research here are 8 science based methods for reversing autism.

1. Consider having someone supplement with a heavy metal detoxifier like humifulvate on an ongoing daily basis because emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury from the body. Mercury is one specific kind of heavy metal that can quickly be absorbed in the womb or after birth through assorted channels and the blood-brain barrier is much more vulnerable in the early years of developing children. Treatments suggests that Autism sufferers who undergo protocols to reduce mercury and/or its effects can show significant clinical improvements so an ongoing detox routine to keep mercury and other heavy metals low in our bodies is highly recommended. We recommend using the brand Immune Boost 77 on a daily basis since it’s a great natural detoxifier of heavy metals like mercury.…

2. Supplementing with additional Iodine on a regular basis is recommended because a study revealed Autistic children were shown to have iodine levels 45% lower than the standard range. Without proper amounts of iodine your thyroid stops functioning properly and fails to produce enough hormones to support metabolism and normal immune health which can lead to thyroid problems and mental retardation. Additionally, if there isn’t enough iodine in the body than the process of neuronal migration (which requires the conversion of triiodothyronine (T3) into thyroxine (T4) cannot take place. In other words, low thyroid function can also be a contributing factor in autism and the researchers say their findings are consistent with studies suggesting altered thyroid function in both autistic children and their parents.…

3. Having your child supplement with Lithium orotate daily is recommended because a study revealed that autistic children as well as their mothers show deficient levels of lithium. A lack of lithium in the body during pregnancy negatively impacts fetal maturation as well as brain development and decreased levels of lithium are also linked to combativeness and reduced normal sociability. Lithium also protects against glutamate toxicity, which plays an important role in learning and memory so getting enough of it will be critical for recovery.…

4. Consider having your child supplement with Omega-3 fatty acids daily. The reasoning is that fatty acids in the brain are important for brain function, so supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids will help reduce symptoms of autism and improve learning. A double blind randomized placebo controlled pilot study showed Fatty acid supplements can markedly improve the behavior of autistic children and also help reduce inflammation in the body. We recommend krill oil which is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.…

5. The lowering of vitamin D levels over the last few decades is thought to be another associated aspect in the rise in autism so having your child supplement with vitamin D on a regular basis is recommended. A study revealed that Vitamin D deficiency was higher in autistic children compared to healthy children and doctors in China are revealing that supplementation with vitamin D appeared to yield powerful improvements in toddlers with autism. This association has still not been examined in detail, but seems to be a correlated component considering the effects vitamin D has on protecting the mitochondria and on upregulating glutathione. Make sure to get adequate sunshine or use a vitamin D supplement daily.…

6. Studies have shown that autistic children have a defect in methylation so consider supplementing with a specific type of folate that is known for permeating the blood brain barrier along with methyl B-12. Methylation is the process of taking a single carbon and three hydrogens, known as a methyl group, and applying it to critical functions in your body. Methylation also involves the use of folic acid on the cells and is of course involved in the removal of toxins. About a fourth of the population actually has a methylation complication but the disparity is there body did not acquire a toxin that they were not able to eventually defeat and clear out of the body.…

7. Supplementing with RNA extracted from saccharomyces cerevisiae is another practical treatment for autism and parents with autistic children have seen noticeable improvements with their use. Genetic predisposition to autism may include both differentiations in the coding regions of DNA and differentiations in the modulation of gene expression. A newly identified component for the modulation of gene expression is non-coding RNAs and modifications in these non-coding RNAs could likely be connected in the occurrence of autism. Correcting a particular genetic DNA defect is currently not clinically feasible since gene therapy is still years away from application but providing the complimentary specific RNA nucleotide to correct the original defective DNA blueprint can be accomplished. In other words, supplementing with RNA can help correct the problem “downstream” at the RNA level. We recommend using Dr. Yasko’s RNA products which are specifically designed to reconstruct biological metabolism and is an upgrade over other RNA products. She has also authored two books about autism and brain diseases which we also highly recommend.…

8. Supplementing with a high-quality pro biotic daily is recommended because there is a growing amount of medical research indicating that alterations in gut bacteria may be a major factor in the development of gastrointestinal disturbances that are very commonly seen in children with autism spectrum disorders. In fact, a recent study from Finland is the first to show that probiotic supplementation at a young age may be an efficient way to lower the growing tide of brain disorders in children with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders. Taking a high-quality probiotic once a day will help maintain intestinal health and repair the lining of the gut.…

Keep in mind that every person has a unique biochemistry so the specific recommendations that will be most helpful can vary.